
 #WeWillWeek – Stoke High School Ormiston Academy takeover 

Stoke High School Ormiston Academy

On Wednesday 1st March we tasked pupils across the Ormiston network with the #WeWill website challenge. Asking young people to write and submit content on the day. Pupils from Stoke High School Ormiston Academy shared their thoughts on how schools can improve health and safety. 

Changes and Safety in schools, By James Shave 

Stoke High School has successfully achieved lots of stuff. But some changes that pupils want, were still yet to be made. So, we introduced the Stoke High Parliament creating our own PM and ministers for different subjects. We have added changes to diversity and safety features of the school, which were making some students upset.   

On 24th February, some schools across England engaged in protests advocating for a change within schooling. This included accessibility to toilets and school uniform concerns. These things were all issues pupils felt were restrictive and were common threads of what they hated about the school. Such protests could have been avoided if the schools had a Parliament, where the students could talk about such matters to help change policies.  

Reason why all schools should adopt a Parliament: 

  • It involve students in democratic processes and decisions making within the school.  
  • Demonstrate the importance of representation and active involvement in the school community.  
  • Democratically elect student representatives.  
  • Develop student leadership and communication skills.   
  • Ideas to change the school, can make people happy.  

What happened at Stoke High: 

At the beginning of the process the children attended an assembly on the concept of democracy, so that they know how important it is for everyone to have their voice heard. Following this, every student was invited to put their name forward for election.  

Sometimes there were many names on the ballot paper, sometimes there were few. Each candidate prepared and delivered a speech to the rest of the class, which was designed to convey their suitability for the role. Every pupil had the chance. The winner of the election serves for the rest of the academic year.  

The Parliament includes different roles: 

  • Prime Minister  
  • Deputy Prime Minister   
  • Equality and Diversity Minister  
  • Enrichment Minister  
  • And much more to change schools.  

H&S in Stoke, by Aiden Collings

Health and safety is a very important need at Stoke. H&S is used in a range of different topics, lesson, subjects etc. Some of the major H&S points are covered in our Duke of Edinburgh Award, and subject lessons in technology involving wood tech, engineering and cooking.  

Health and Safety in Duke of Edinburgh Award  

The DoE Award can range from learning about how creatures live to going out and camping in the wild.  

Safety in lessons can be as simple as rules not to run around or mess about to dangers whilst practicing with bandages or resuscitation with dummies.  

When outside in the wild, H&S is pushed much further with trees or animals that may come to harm. Getting lost, skills with maps and how to help and support others.  

Health and Safety in Technology  

H&S in technology is super important due to the sharp machinery. Before all physical work students are told exactly how to use the machines, where the emergency stop buttons are and how to protect yourself when others are around.  

In food technology, students are showed carefully how to use different utilities and safety in preparing food.  

Health and Safety outside  

H&S in other topics aside from technology and DoE Award are still important, to ensure that students have the best experience at Stoke. For example, during break time and lunch time there are teachers around to help you with anything that you need. There is also a medical room for those that need assistance for injuries. 



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