
Curriculum Guide (Healthy Habits KS 1)

Curriculum Guide (Healthy Habits KS 1)


This curriculum guide provides links to integrate the topic of Healthy Habits within the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1. It can be read to obtain an overview of the connections made with the National Curriculum. It can also inform the planning of activities that will teach social action skills or inform future social action planning.
The guide is divided into parts listed below:

  1. Overview of OT Resources
  2. Using 5-Step Process
  3. Youth Social Action Integration Map
  4. Engaging Young People in Social Action
  5. Teaching Healthy Habits
  6. The Project Planning Process
  7. Youth Social Action Background Information
Key Stage: KS 1
Social Issue: Healthy Habits
YSA Step: Inspire
Resource type: Teacher Resource
Owner: Ormiston Trust


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Teacher Resource

Guide Lesson Overview

Teaching Guide


Lesson Overview

Overview of Lessons

Teacher Resource



KS 1 , Physical Exercise , Physical Health , Curriculum , Curriculum Integration , Healthy Habits , Ormiston Trust , Guide

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