
Teaching Healthy Habits (KS 3&4)

Teaching Healthy Habits (KS 3&4)


This section focuses on delivering healthy habits. The following resources/lesson plans are available for download. Each lesson plan comprises a PDF document and a PowerPoint presentation.

  • Overview of Lessons: Teaching Healthy Habits
  • Guide: Teaching Healthy Habits through Other Activities
  • Lesson 1: Who influences our food choices?
  • Lesson 2: How can we make healthy food choices?
  • Lesson 3: Understand the consequences of imbalances in the diet, including obesity, starvation and deficiency diseases
  • Lesson 4: How can we tackle malnutrition?
    This guide is Section 7 of the Staff Guide  Learning about Healthy Habits Wellbeing as part of a Youth Social Action Programme

Key Stage: KS 3, KS 4
Social Issue: Healthy Habits
YSA Step: Inspire
Resource type: Lesson plans, Guide, Overview of Lessons
Subject(s): All Subjects
Owner: Ormiston Trust


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Lesson plans,Guide,All Lessons (Zip Folder)

Guide Lesson Overview

Teacher Resource

Teaching Guide

Lesson Overview

Overview of Lessons

Project Planning

All Lessons (Zip Folder)



KS 3 , KS 4 , Lesson Plan , Youth Social Action , Teaching Healthy Habits , Ormiston Trust , Core Grants 2024-2025

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