
Teaching Youth Social Action (Inclusion & Diversity KS 1)

Teaching Youth Social Action (Inclusion & Diversity KS 1)


On this resource page, you will find the following lessons and guide:

  1. Teaching Youth Social Action- Guide
  2. Lesson 1: What diversity is found in us?
    The session aims for young people to learn the term diversity and explore what it means. In the way we plan this session, young people can start by exploring 'diversity' regarding our physical features and where we come from.
  3. Lesson 2: What diversity can we see outside?
    In this session, the young people will learn to see diversity in the natural world by looking at the shapes, colours, sizes, and textures of vegetables of the same variety and through animals and their habitats.
  4. Lesson 3: How can we celebrate diversity?
    The main aim of this session is to allow young people to explain what diversity is and identify how it is expressed through different contexts/mediums. Imitating an artistic style to create a self-portrait. Creating a display of wonky vegetables to celebrate diversity in the vegetable world. Making a presentation on the diversity of animals and habitats can also be the starting point for a play.


Each of the lessons has a PDF and a PowerPoint presentation.

This guide is section 6 of the  Learning about Inclusion and Diversity Guide as part of Youth Social Action

Key Stage: KS 1
Social Issue: Inclusion and Diversity
YSA Step: Inspire, Explore
Resource type: Lesson plans, Guide, Lesson Overview, All Lessons (Zip Folder)
Subject(s): English, History, Geography
Owner: Ormiston Trust


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Lesson plans,Guide,Lesson Overview,All Lessons (Zip Folder)

Guide Lesson Overview

Teacher Resource

Teaching Guide

Overview of Lessons

Project Planning

Lesson Overview

All Lessons (Zip Folder)



KS 1 , Inclusion and Diversity , Curriculum Integration , Ormiston Trust

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