
Inclusion and Diversity Snapshot

Inclusion and Diversity Snapshot


Diversity and inclusion help children learn to empathise with people who are different from them. It makes all young people better learners, allowing them to understand various subjects from multiple points of view. By having access to educational content, each child is able to fully participate in their own learning, which provides them with the skills and resources for later life. At each key stage, we have used the National Curriculum, providing links and examples of how inclusion and diversity can be delivered through a range of subjects or as bespoke lessons as part of the inspire and inform steps of Youth Social Action.

The suggested lessons allow you to broadly focus on mental health topics using the 10 fundamentals and the five-step process. It's important to link these to youth social action and how learning can make a difference.

Each lesson plan lightly integrates learning or practice of a specific life/employability skill such as oracy, teamwork, reflection, and/or problem-solving. In addition, each lesson links learning to potential youth social projects that other young people have delivered to make a difference.
Additional Resources

  1. Delivering Inclusion and Diversity through Various Subjects
    (Relationship, Personal, Social, Health Education, Citizenship, Science, RE, English, Music, Art, and Information technology)
  2. Background Reading
    Teaching Inclusion and Diversity

    Key Stage 1Key stage 2

    Key Stages 3 and 4


    Case Studies
    Authors: Sonia Berglund, Mahreen Hassan and Samia Akram
    Edited: James Murray
    Quality Assured by: TBC
Key Stage: KS 1, KS 2, KS 3, KS 4
Social Issue: Inclusion and Diversity
YSA Step: Explore
Resource Type: Key Overview
Subject(s): Citizenship & PSHE, Science, English, Maths, History, Geography, Physical Education, Information Technology, Food Technology, Music
Owner: Ormiston Trust


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Guide Lesson Overview

Teacher Resource

Teaching Guide


Lesson Overview

Overview of Lessons

Project Planning



KS 1 , KS 2 , KS 3 , KS 4 , Inclusion and Diversity , Ormiston Trust

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