
Overview of Lessons (Climate Change KS 1)

Overview of Lessons (Climate Change KS 1)


The resources below support the teaching of the skills needed so pupils can carry out their own social action projects. It should:

  • Introduce the young person to the subject of the environment and sustainability.
  • Go through the process of understanding what social action is by analysing an approach already taken.
  • Inspire young people to act within a school, community, or city.

Overview of KS1 Teaching Activities

  1. Lesson 1: Exploring nature and being able to name different elements:
    Young people will learn how to explore nature in a local area that is familiar to them. They can name some elements of it and explain why they like it. They have or are beginning to develop a sense of connection to the natural world.
  2. Lesson 2: How the wind helps plants to grow:
    This task will enable the young people to talk about the interrelationship between a flower, the wind, and the soil. Through this session, they understand that each element has a role to play in the environment.
  3. Lesson 3: How can I plant a garden?
    This lesson explores how young people could plant gardens regardless of space
  4. Lesson 4: How can I write instructions to grow and look after plants?
    This task will enable the young people to write a set of instructions on how to look after plants.

    Each of the lesson plans has a PDF document and a PowerPoint presentation.

    This guide is part 5 of the Staff Guide  Learning about Climate as part of Youth Social Action

Key Stage: KS 1
Social Issue: Climate Change
YSA Step: Explore, Plan, Act
Resource Type: Curriculum Guide, Lesson plans, All Lessons (Zip Folder)
Subject(s): Science, English
Owner: Ormiston Trust


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Curriculum Guide,Lesson plans,All Lessons (Zip Folder)

Guide Lesson Overview

Teacher Resource

Teaching Guide


Lesson Overview

Overview of Lessons

Project Planning

Key Overview

Curriculum Guide

All Lessons Zip Folder



KS 1 , Environment , Sustainability , Climate Change , Curriculum , Ormiston Trust

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